En modern klinik

Modern offices at Nybrokajen in Stockholm
Quick and easy procedure
Natural and long lasting result
Poseidonkliniken performs between 30 and 40 hair transplants each month and since the start in November 2011 we have performed more than 2000 procedures. We perform treatments on weekdays, weekends and holidays to be able to meet the high demand for our procedures.
Poseidonkliniken uses the most modern methods and refined instruments on the market today to guarantee a gentle procedure and natural looking result. All the steps of the treatment are performed by a licensed medical doctor.
Poseidonkliniken is located in nice and modern offices at Nybrokajen 5 in Stockholm with a beautiful view of Nybroviken.

Contact us today for a free and non-binding consultation.

Kontakta oss för en kostnadsfri och förutsättningslös konsultation.

hair transplants

We use the Implanter method which is a micro surgical technique. The traces from the procedure disappear after a few days and there is no down time. The treatment is micro surgical and pain free, with a realistic and natural looking result. We are a discrete and personal clinic that uses the most modern methods on the market. Poseidonkliniken is the first choice for anyone who wants to do something about their hair loss. Read more about hair transplants.

our team

Gustaf Bodin - Hårtransplantation | Poseidonkliniken Stockholm

Gustaf Bodin

Owner and founder
Gustaf Bodin owns and runs Poseidonkliniken. He has had two hair transplants done at Poseidonkliniken himself and has performed over five thousand consultations with clients. Gustaf used to work as a lawyer and was a partner at one of Sweden’s largest law firms. In 2011 he started Poseidonkliniken which he has since grown to become Sweden’s leading and most profitable hair transplant clinic.

Niklas Slättenhäll

Niklas Slättenhäll is a consultant and has worked at Poseidonkliniken since the spring of 2015. Before Niklas started working at Poseidonkliniken, he was a sales manager at Warehouse AB, one of the largest hair care companies in the Nordic Countries. Before that he used to be a professional golfer.

Arpad Toth

Lecensed medical doctor in Sweden, Norway and Hungary

Jacob Szczudlik

Licensed medical doctor in Sweden and Poland
Hårtransplantationer utförs av legitimerade läkaren Slawek Pyziak på Poseidonkliniken

Slawek Pyziak

Licensed medical doctor in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Poland

from a satisfied customer:

I really want to say thank you for you wonderful care and treatment yesterday. Incredibly professional, competent and pedagogical doctor and assistant.  Of course it was a bit uncomfortable at times, and it was a long day, but everyone was so kind and friendly towards me the whole day. I am really looking forward to the final result. There is no pain today (have not used pain killers at all) and was able to sleep well.

I know that many of my friends are interested in having a hair transplant as well, and given the wonderful experience and hopefully a great result, I will definetly be sending you some customers in the future.


Hi, I am writing to you in English as I hope you pass this on with a big thank you to Dr. Pyziak and nurse Kristina.
I want to thank you all for the treatment at the clinic. From the consultation I had with Gustaf, how I was received by Niklas on the day of treatment and further Dr Pyziak who performed the treatment and Kristina who assisted him.
The fantastic personal and professional treatment from you all made me feel safe and well cared for all the time.
I will happily recommend you to friends and acquaintances who are interested in treatment.
Thank you!


Poseidonkliniken was started in 2011. We are located in nice and modern offices at Nybrokajen in Stockholm with a beautiful view of Nybroviken bay.
Monday - Friday 09 AM – 5 PM
Nybrokajen 5, 111 48 Stockholm